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4 at home Easter Activities for kids

School's out for...Spring break! Kids are jumping for joy, in anticipation for their chocolate eggs and bunnies, and parents are well...maybe not quite so joyful, considering most parents still have to work at least a few days of the school holidays. Don't despair! I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that you can do with your son or daughter, or have them do the activities with their siblings or friends! Before going on, I want to share this beautiful video with you (it's in Italian) about a man who makes antique toys. No, don't worry, I'm not going to suggest that you suddenly become Geppetto from Pinocchio, but he shares some wonderful life advice that I think we could all benefit from, and it's connected to getting back in touch with our roots, using our imagination, and appreciating what we already have instead of pining away for what we don't have. Here's a few quotes that stood out to me:

Playing is the most beautiful thing in the world...if you compete, you either win, or you are defeated. Instead, when you play, you are always happy, you never lose!
Simply, to play, for me means to be able to make you (yourself), and someone else, happy. Why are people in front of me when they see me doing these things happy? Because they see that I am happy.

I resonate a lot with this last sentence. Why are kids happy to come to their English lessons with me? Because they see that I'm happy. I love what I do. I love spending time with them. It's not rocket science. Just a whole lot of passion, time, and yes, love. Anyways, watch the video if you're curious to find out more, and keep reading for those promised activities to keep your kids busy over the Easter break!


4 Fun Easter Activities

  1. Easter bunny collage: use this bunny template to make a beautiful collage. Give your child the template, some safe scissors, some glue, and some old magazines or colored paper that they can cut up. Tell them to fill up the template to make a beautiful colored Easter bunny to hang on your fridge!

  2. Read a Spring story: not into crafts? How about a Spring story? This is an adorable e-book, Zak and Zee, is about two little bugs who become friends. It's adapt for even the youngest children. All you have to do is sign up for a free account with Oxford Owl, and you can access this book and many more!

  3. Cook an Easter treat: want to get your hands dirty alongside your little one? Make this traditional British Easter treat! My mom isn't British (my dad is though), and she always used to make these over the Easter holidays.

  4. Sign up for Teacher Claire's Easter workshops: too busy for all of the above? Then I've got the solution for you - my free Easter workshops. If you've got a young child from 6 to 9/10 years old, sign them up for the Easter Bunny Craft Workshop. And if you've got a munchkin between 10 and 12, sign them up for the Egg-cellent Speaking Skills Workshop! You'll have a free hour (or 2!) to do whatever you need to do while I entertain your kids. Sounds fabulous, doesn't it?

While you're at it, click here to sign up for my newsletter so you stay updated on all my upcoming workshops, courses and events! There are so many new and exciting things coming up for kids and teens, you so don't want to miss out😉!


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